Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daily Deal Sites are Sexy

There are so many daily deal sites available today, its seems like a new one pops up every week although Woot, Gilt, and Groupon are some of the major players in the game. My immediate circle of friends don't try to buy everything online like me, but I noticed something interesting in my facebook news feed today. One of my friend's mentioned having an urge to eat lunch at a particular restaurant and another mutual friend commented that Friend 1 must have seen the Groupon email in their e-mail too. I thought to myself " hmm.. that's interesting!"

I've read white papers who condone the notion the e-mail marketing is dead, but I see daily deal sites giving e-mail a little of its sexy back. For advertisers, daily deal networks are going to be a much better way of driving consumer engagement with brands through the social media connection. As consumers have the ability to share and spread messages instantly across networks, companies will achieve a much larger reach using a daily deal site, than with traditional advertising. Additionally, as consumer's see more of their social network centers of influences using  daily deal sites, this will increase adoption of the process among those in the Early  and Late Majority categories. 

 Try doing that with your paper coupon, Mr. Newspaper Circular!

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